Sergio Picture

Sergio Jiménez Celorrio


Sergio Jiménez Celorrio is Profesor Titular at the Universitat Politècnica de València. Previously, Sergio was a Ramón y Cajal fellow, a post-doc researcher at the University of Melbourne, a Juan de la Cierva fellow at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona and teaching assistant at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, where he obtained the Distinguished Thesis Award 2011. Sergio was invited to the Sister Conferences Best Papers of IJCAI 2022, he is the recipient of the IJCAI 2016 distinguished paper award, co-organizer of the 7th International Planning Competition and program committee at several top international conferences on Artificial Intelligence. His main research interest is understanding the synergies between automated planning, Bayesian inference, and machine learning.

